Happy Anniversary – The River www.TheRiverAG.org
This Sunday July 12th, 2009 The River will celebrate its Five Year Anniversary service with special guest Eli & Mary Gautreaux, Chi Alpha Directors at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville and South Texas District A/G Chi Alpha Director. Service begins at 10:30 am.
The River officially began ministering to the community of The Greater Woodlands Area July 4th, 2004 out of Tinseltown Theater. After six months in the Theater a full-time church facility became available on Hwy 242 in The Woodlands. We thank God for the journey and look forward with great anticipation for what lies ahead for our church body.
Vision for the future is expanding. The group pic is taken from a Chi Alpha meeting of young adults that have started the journey of walking with Jesus. The River has always desired to minister to this generation of young adults and will now move passionately in that direction as we launch in the next few weeks "Thursday Nites", a ministry to the young at heart with a relaxed, but fully engaged night of fellowship, acoustic worship and the Word.
The five year journey has been a foundation building season for us, filled with challenges helping us to grow stronger. Now a new season of building the structure is upon us. Come this Sunday, July 12th and help us celebrate the New Beginning of our next season.
Pastor David Summerlin, Pastor