From an audio sermon I heard tonight - "As Obedient Children" A. W. Tozer taken from 1 Peter 1:14
His intro was to explain the word "As" as in "As Obedient Children", not Be or Become, but As Obedient Children, to assume the ones He (Peter) was speaking to knew what was expected of them as Christians, which included moving beyond their former way of living. Tozer makes the point that Christians should not think we are "saved" without making Jesus Lord of all. He mentioned a false teaching that was present in his day (he passed 1963), and that teaching surfaces in many churches today as well; that teaches a man could be saved by believing in Jesus as Savior, and later when he was ready, he could make Him Lord of his life. A. W. Tozer says it's serving a divided Jesus, either He is Savior and Lord, or He is nothing at all.
A. W. Tozer confessed he had taught that at times, and in many occasions by the words or phrases we use, many a preacher today (including myself) has taught or teaches the same. We say at Altar services, "many of you have accepted Christ as Savior in times past, but have never made Him Lord", that teaching can be understood in error and can give some soul a false security in a desired relationship with Christ. He goes on to say much more, but I thought it interesting his description of Heaven and Hell. Heaven is place filled with Obedient Children, and Hell is a Well for the disobedient, in fact the bible says hell enlarges itself to contain the multitudes.
Let us as Men and Women of God, pray for clarity of scripture and teach with accuracy the plan of salvation, by hungering and thirsting for the truth of God's word. If you seek, you will find, if you seek with ALL your HEART. Jeremiah 29:13
Love you!
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