Monday, January 6, 2014

A New Season, a New Direction...

Dear Pastor,

No one better than you know we are living in perilous times as 2 Timothy 3:1 states, but also, no one better than you know we are living in the greatest hour for the Church because of these times.

My wife (Gayla) and I have recently made a huge decision to return to the Evangelistic Field of Ministry after 10 years as Lead Pastors of The River Assembly of God in The Woodlands, Texas. This was our second Lead Pastor position, both churches started in our homes. We love God, we love people, and we love doing the "Work of the Ministry" wherever that takes us, and whatever the cost.

I've included a short bio of our ministry experience that started just over 27 years ago. We would love to come and partner with you to help stir your congregation to living completely abandoned lives to Jesus. Our ministry is simple, and as most people have always stated about us, "What you see is what you get". We'd hope to think that means we're Real! We won't come to puff up you people, over exaggerate the messages or experiences. We don't come with flare, nor a "look what we've done" type of message either. Our desire is to hear The Lord and speak what He says, so people will have an opportunity for real change through a real challenge in their lives.

If what you read interest you, and you feel we're the right mix for your church, we'd love for you to contact us soon to book a date or dates. I make this one promise, we're not looking just to book a service, we want God connections, and divine appointments. It just always seems to work better that way!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon, should The Lord confirm.

Fit for His Service,

David Summerlin, Evangelist
Faith | Family | Fitness | Finances


About Us: We were both raised in great homes, Gayla's in Church, and mine not so much. We were married in 1980, both attended Sam Houston State University, and were a part Chi Alpha Student Ministries where we became active in Ministry. Upon my completion of College (1982), and receiving a degree in Accounting, we moved back to Houston, Tx to work and begin our family, while teaching Sunday School, singing in Christmas musicals, helping with evangelistic outreaches, going on missions trips, and eventually began preaching in 1986.

·         In 1988, with the blessing of our Pastor, James McKeehan (Lindale Assembly of God) we started a Church in our home specifically targeting drug addicts, alcoholics, and anyone beat down with extreme problems.

·         In 1991, we moved to Conroe, Texas and joined the staff of First Assembly of God Conroe, under the leadership of Pastor Lloyd Maddoux working as Youth Pastor, Athletic Director (Lifestyle Christian School), School Teacher, Sunday School Leader, and several other positions through time.

·         In 2001, we started a non-profit organization "Passion to Abstain", a ministry to reach students with the message of Abstinence. It was a great success and we saw many students make new commitments to stay pure till marriage, others restored back to God and their families.  

·         In 2003, with the blessing of our Pastor, Lloyd Maddoux, the Lord led us to start another church in The Woodlands, Tx, which we recently turned over to my Associate Pastor who had been with us for 9 of the 10 years of existence.

·         Other info: I have worked bi-vocationally the past 10 years. Accounting has continued to play a huge part of my life. I currently work for a Municipal Accounting Firm training all New Hires and fill the position of Chaplain. My wife & I currently have two (2) grown children, both married to wonderful God Fearing spouses, and we have 3 Grand Children, and 1 on the way.  

Our Co-Mission: Keep it Simple

·         Reach people for Christ.
·         Train (Disciple) believers to become "Followers of Jesus in every area of life".
·         Encourage, Inspire and Motivate people to live a completely abandoned life to Jesus, by living a Disciplined Life in all areas. We hope to do this by ministering in four (4) areas The Lord has impressed upon us: Faith, Family, Fitness & Finances.
Ø  Faith is the foundation of any believers relationship with Jesus. "Revival awakens the heart to intimacy with God, which in turn produces fruit of many types".
Ø  Family is the real training ground to build success through The Word of God. If a man or woman wants to know if they're really living for God, let someone ask their spouse, or better yet, their kids.
Ø  Fitness expands ones capacity to reach goals, it builds perseverance, patience, and stamina for the fight that lies ahead for the believer. "Your body will do more than your mind says it can". The body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and more can be done for the Kingdom, if we would treat it as such.
Ø  Finances - the proving ground of stewardship. Will we be faithful in the little, so God will grant us the ability to have much? Learning the value of giving, because it's the right thing to do.  
Our Plan: Pray, Study and Train hard, so at whatever time we're called upon to minister, either to a Church Congregation, or 1 on 1 with a family through Life Coaching, we will speak what we've heard & experienced from The Lord, and nothing else. Our intention is not to have another Church Service for your congregation. Our desire is to stir up the deepest commitment from Believers to become Followers of Christ. The late Charles Finney always said "Revival is a new beginning of obedience in the life of the believer".

Available now for:
  • Church Services
  • Revival Services (multiple days/nights)
  • Retreats
  • Conventions
  • Special Services/Events
  • Men's & Women's Events
  • School Events
Contact us:
  • Phone: 832-928-8692
  • Email:
Follow Us:

  • Facebook:
  • Twitter: @DavidWSummerlin
  • Blog:

  • Chris Cornelius, Lead Pastor, The River Assembly of God  Ph: 281-726-2729
  • Don Wiehe, Sec/Treas, South Texas District of the A/G  Ph: 830-822-2882
  • Lloyd Maddoux, Lead Pastor, Conroe First Assembly of God Ph: 936-537-8620
  • Lindsay Munson, Daughter, Worship Team Member, Church Project  Ph: 936-648-6359
  • Sean Summerlin, Son, Rowan Drilling Company, Ph: 832-585-3523

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