Monday, August 22, 2011

"many are called, FEW ARE CHOSEN" Mt 22:14

This short verse of scripture scares the daylights out of me, knowing many people will be invited to serve the Lord, and to be a part of His bride (the church), but will in fact turn the invitation down because the demands are too much. You might say, "I thought salvation was free, wouldn't cost me anything, just believe in Jesus and I'm in...right?"

Listen to the story about a rich ruler from Luke 18 who obviously had lot's of money. He came to Jesus one day asking the Lord "how can I inherit eternal life".  Jesus told him "You know the commandments" and the young ruler probably at that time felt a huge sigh of relief, knowing full well he had religiously served and obeyed the Torah (the law) all his days. But then Jesus said something that many refuse to listen to, or we've interpreted the meaning to lessen the impact of it's demand on our life. Jesus said "Sell all you have, and distribute the money to the poor, then come and follow Me". Lk 18:23 says it all, "when he heard this, he was very sorrowful" knowing it was too big a price to give up to follow Jesus.

I've recently preached a message entitled "The Harzards of Being Chosen", talking about the subject above and the challenge the Lord has to fully reach the heart of man. Three hazards I mentioned included:
  1.  Being chosen demands separation - Light and darkness cannot dwell together. You cannot serve two masters. The Old man is dead, having been crucified with Christ, and now the Newly Created Man lives, but Christ now liveth in me. The Chosen will fight against this, because until we see Jesus face-to-face we will fight against our flesh. Our spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak.
  2. Being chosen demands abandonment of independence - James 1:1 says it clearly "James, a slave of God" meaning he became a "love slave to Jesus". Testimony has it, when James was buried, calouses were found heavily on his knees having been a man devoted and dependent on prayer to his God.
  3. Being chosen demands bearing one anothers burdens - God will require of you your life for His. Let a man lose himself that he may find himself in Christ. He will place the burden of souls on the chosen, they will give ear to the last words of Jesus and take it serious "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all nations..." He will send you to the weak, the poor, the rich, the messed up, the well to do, He will send you to everyone for He is unwilling that any should perish, and that means "ANY".
What is your life, but a Vapor. Use what time you have on this earth for God. Allow Him access to every area of your life, holding nothing back so that you don't walk away "sorrowful". There is nothing worth holding onto that would ever be greater than walking, and working with the Savior of mankind, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords - Jesus Christ!

The Spirit of the Lord is compelling the Chosen to Respond...will you respond?

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